Tin Tran Apps

Cube Alien Invasion 7.0
Tin Tran
Previously known as "Endless Mash TV".Cube Alien Invasion was inspired by the original "Smash TV" videogame and the recently released "Machine Gun Hero" video game.- Top view "Shoot'em Up" action.- Full 360 degrees of movement controlled by one joystick based onTouch's position.- Full 360 degrees of aiming direction controlled by the otherjoystick based on Touch's position.- Bad guys spill GREEN blood (they must be ALIENS).- Bad guys come out more often and are stronger as you attempt toincrease your score.- Keep the bad guys away from touching your hero or it's instantRED BLOOD spillage and instant GAME OVER.- Endless "Shoot'em Up" fun.- Game keeps track of your record high-score so you can challengeyour friends to beat it.Sound samples: fromgun sound from editted cut from https://www.freesound.org/people/Julien%20Nicolas/sounds/131146/splat sound from editted cut from https://www.freesound.org/people/zolopher/sounds/44203/
Battack 1.0
Tin Tran
Battack is short for Ball Attack.The rules are simple:- Red button moves the gun left, Blue button moves the gunright- Both buttons will shoot a ball from the gun- If you try to hold down the left or blue button to move far rightor far left, the gun will bounce back and go the oppositedirection, so only move right/left as much as you need to.- Colored balls (4 colors) are incoming starting from top ofscreen.- Shoot them with same colored ball from you top of your gun andearn 10 points each correct colored one and hear a satisfyingpopping sound.- Shoot them with wrong colored ball and hear an unpleasant buzzerand 10 points are taken away.- Let the incoming ball reach the bottom and 1 point is takenaway.- Touch an incoming ball with your gun and the game is over.- Incoming balls speed up and appear more often as you rack up yourscore to keep giving you challenge to reach that so desired highscore.* Pass your phone to a friend after you've game-overed and seeif they can beat your high-score or alternate plays and see if youboth can achieve a score higher than 500.* Game is most difficult at 500 points, where the difficultymaxes out, it doesn't get any harder than that. At that point, it'sa matter of endurance in a challenging atmosphere and seeing howtempted you are at getting a score much higher.The secret to this addictive game is balance between your luck(as colored balls of you gun randomly line up with incoming balls),your skills (as you dodge incoming balls) and shoot at the samecolored balls, and taking risks (as you decide when to shoot orwhen to wait for the right color balls, or shall you risk shootingthe wrong balls away and hope it doesn't hit a wrong color balls,or risk dying by trying to shoot that ball that's coming reallyclose to your gun).
Ladybug Hunt 1.0
Tin Tran
Ladybug Hunt- Very, very simple mindless game.- Draw shapes around the bugs to catch them.- 1 point for 1 ladybug in one catch- 3 (1+2) points for 2 ladybugs in one catch- 6 (1+2+3) points for 3 ladybugs in one catch- and so on but i doubt you'll be able to catch 4 ladybugs in onecatch.- GAME OVER if you catch 3 black bugs in total.
Sky-Learn Alphabet 1.0
Tin Tran
This Educational Sky-Learn Alphabet appteaches your kid(s) the alphabet through the use of positivereinforcement learning.By allowing your kid(s) to use simple trial and error, it allowskids the ability to discover the alphabet at their own pace.By displaying 3 moving icons each time one of which is thecorrect one, it'll speak out something like "A is for Apple", andthe kid(s) have to select the correct icon to progress. When theright icon is selected, a "Ding Ding" bell will sound and the iconsgravitate quickly to the top of screen to clear the screen for newicons to appear. If the incorrect icon is selected, an unpleasantbuzzer will sound and the kid(s) have a chance to try a differenticon until they get the correct one. If the icon is not selected intime, the icons will move toward the top of screen and then startfrom the bottom of screen again and move toward the top so thatkids have multiple opportunities to get it right. If your kid(s)misheard the speech, they can click/touch the speech bubble atlower left corner of game screen and it'll repeat the speechagain.There are 78 picture icons of animals/fruits/things (3 differentone for each letter of the alphabet), 26 Capital Letters icons, and26 small letters icons.For each correct answer, 3 points is given.For each incorrect answer 3 points is taken away.The game starts out showing random from the 78 pictureiconsIf 300 points is reached, it'll kick into another phase thatteaches kids the 26 capital letters in order from A - Z if thekid(s) get it wrong during this phase they'll have to start overstarting from capital A again until capital Z is reached.Then it'll kick into small letters in order from a - z. If thekid(s) get it wrong during this phase they'll have to start overfrom small a again until small z is reached at which point the gamewill end and you'll get the option to play again.During the first phase (picture icon phase) points can go up anddown until 300 points is reached so it doesn't matter how long theyspend there, but once 300 points is reached to get highest scoreyou must not get an incorrect letter until the end. if you get itwrong your score will be lower depending how many times you have tostart over from A or a.Images used in the app are edited and cropped from existingpublic domain images found on the web.Background music is a public domain song found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jgnv0xCv-k
Ball Balance 1.0
Tin Tran
Simple but progressively challenging.Balance the ball for as long as you can by tiltingyourdevice/phoneTry get get the most score by lasting the longestAcceleration speeds up as your score increases to keepitchallenging
Sneak Approach 3.0
Tin Tran
Rules are simple.- Touch red button to move green square up, let go tostop.- Try to sneak up to the red circle as quick as you can to getthemost score.- If light shines on you, game over.- Light rotates faster as you play to keep it challenging.- Keeps record of high score.
Battack Tilt 1.0
Tin Tran
Colored balls shooting game - Tilt to movegunleft/right, red button to shoot- Shoot right color ball (+10 Points)- Shoot wrong color ball (-10 Points)- Incoming ball reaches bottom (-1 point)- Incoming ball touches gun (GAME OVER)Gets harder as you reach 500 points, after which pointdifficultymaxes out and you just have to endure the difficulty foras long asyou can to reach high-score.
Joy Run (WIP) 1.0
Tin Tran
Joy Run (A work in progress).Note the below details when designing your set-uptosubmit/contribute to this game.- A runner game where your forced to move right/left dependingonarrows you touch.- You can shrink to half your size when touch a down arrow.- You can grow back to normal size when touch an up arrow.- Tap anywhere on the screen (other than the rectangle hero)tojump.- when half size, your hero's jump is lower so to jump on tosomehigher platform, you'll need to grow back to normal size firstbutyou can go below lower platforms when half size.This game is a work in progress,YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE to the work of this game by coming upwithdifferent setups using land/lava/arrows and YOUR NAME will beshownon the setup as part of the game which will help playersmemorizeas we build the level and make it longer with hopefullymanycontributions (including yours).To contribute, go to this forum link create a forum accountuserand post a reply to this post:http://forums.gamesalad.com/discussion/88322/wondering-if-i-can-come-up-with-enough-variations-to-keep-the-level-entertaining-and-hopefully-long#latestmake sure to include your name if you'd like a name to bedisplayed(if different from your forum user name, otherwise yourforum username will be used).The final goal is that we have a SUPER LONG level designedbydifferent contributors like you and have many names shown alongthelevel where their set-ups are.As players play through the level, they'll see YOUR NAME andmightuse it as hint to memorizing the level in order to passthechallenge.After contributing set-up(s) to the game, you can tell/bragtoyour friend(s) about the game that has one or many of yourdesignsin it and with your name on it to prove yourcontribution.Let's all have fun and contribute to this possible very longgamein the future.
Vietnamese Prayer Wheel 2.0
Tin Tran
Quote from Wikipedia: "According to theTibetanBuddhist tradition based on the lineage texts regardingprayerwheels, spinning such a wheel will have much the samemeritoriouseffect as orally reciting the prayers."A Tibetan style prayer wheel but with chant in VietnamesePurelandBuddhism chant.It says "Nam Mô A Di Đà Phật" which is equivalent to "NamoAmidhaBuddha".Easy simple scrollable/spinnable control.Keeps count of your prayers/revolutions.If you spin it the wrong way, the prayers/revolution count willgodown.Frictionless spin which means you spin it at a certain speed, anditwill keep spinning forever.Beautiful pre-rendered graphics.I wanted to set the price at $0.36 CAD but Google didn't letme,the lowest price has to be $0.99 CAD.Google Play keeps 30% that's why i wanted to list it at $0.36, soican make one quarter ($0.25)...on quarter is all I wantedbutbecause of Google Play's minimum price being $0.99 probably noonewill ever buy this.
Lotto Noodle 1.5
Tin Tran
Get Lottery 6/49,LottoMax and PowerballNumbersfor any String/Noodle you can think ofApp users can- Enter word(s)/letter(s) as a String/Noodle- Get Lotto 6/49 numbers for that Noodle- Get LottoMax numbers for that Noodle- Get Powerball numbers for that Noodle- Use these numbers to buy Lotto 6/49 and/or Lotto Maxand/orPowerball- Enter anything for example what you've had for breakfast, nameofyour crush, your favorite color, your favoriteTV show title, a favorite date, a favorite number, or even thenameof your pet.- Enjoy coming up with new Noodles to buy lottery tickets withAdditional feature in version 1.2:Added a set of generated numbers based on Noodle and GPSLocationso that app users can get unique numbers based on theirNoodle/GPSlocation combination.The Lottery 6/49 can be used to play the UK National LotteryandChinese Mark Six Lottery since they all use 6 out of49numbers.
Ball Balance 2 1.0
Tin Tran
Ball Balance 2, much more challenging thanBallBalanceYou'll have to keep center of ball inside green circle byTILTINGyour phone/device to gain pointsTry to beat your own high score or pass the device/phone toafriend see if they can beat your score.